Rules And Regulation

Rules And Regulation

1. Name of the Society The name is be of the Association shall be " CRPF family Welfare Association " . 2. Membership / Membership Fee All Spous

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1. Name of the Society

The name is be of the Association shall be ” CRPF family Welfare Association ” .

2. Membership / Membership Fee

  1. All Spouses’ of CRPF personnel including civil staff will be automatically the volunteer members of the Association.
  2. In case the CRPF member ceases to be the member of the Force/proceeds on superannuation etc., the spouse will automatically cease to be member.
  3. Spouses is become of the retired or deceased CRPF personnel may become Honorary Members with the approval of Central Executive Committee / Regional Executive Committees as per guideline of the General Council .  
  4. No membership fee will be charged and no monthly subscriptions will be levied.
  5. General Council Members shall have the right to vote in the annual meeting of the General Council. 

3.ceasation of membership

The membership is cease will automatically cease on leave the service or otherwise .   In case any member is wants want to discontinue the membership , she / he is submit will submit their resignation on the prescribed application and in that case their name will be delete from the Register .   Her husband / his wife and member of the family shall thereby not be entitle to any benefit of the Association .   If any member fail to attend three consecutive meeting , shall cease to be the member . A proforma for ceasation of membership is place at Appendix – A in CWA Booklet .

Note : Reasons for ceasation of membership shall be communicated to the member concerned.

4.Appeal & Re-admission of Members

Members shall have the right to appeal for re-admission, in the annual meetings of the General Council, whose decision shall be final.


(i)Governing Body Defined

The Governing Body shall consist of the following:-

( ii ) composition

  1. President : The spouse of the Director General, CRPF will be the ex- officio President of the Association.
  2. Vice President : The spouse of the senior most Special Director General or Addl. Director General, CRPF posted at HQrs shall be the ex-officio Vice President of the Association.
  3. Secretary : DIGP (Welfare) at HQrs, shall be the ex-officio Secretary of the Association.
  4. Joint Secretary : DC (CWA) at HQrs shall be the ex-officio Joint Secretary of the Association.
  5. Honorary Secretary : To be elected by the Central Executive Committee.
  6. Honorary Treasurer : To be elect by the Central Executive Committee .
  7. All members is be of Governing Body will be the member of the General Council and Central Executive Committee also .

(iii)Powers, Duties and functions of the Governing Body.

  1. To adopt and amend its by-laws for the conduct of business.
  2. To create and appoint such committee as are desirable to carry out the work of the Association .
  3. To appoint such additional office bearer as may be require .
  4. To review the annual report of the preceding year’s working of the Association along with balance sheet duly audited by a Chartered Accountant.
  5. To consider the report of the General Council / Executive Committee and take action as per the recommendation.
  6. To consider and sanction fund for the welfare project in accordance with the objective to the Association .  
  7. To approve major activities and programme of the Association during the following year.
  8. To conduct fund raising drives within the permissible frame of existing laws.
  9. To consider any other business bring forward and with the permission of the Chair – person .

The business is discussed discuss or decide at the meeting shall be record in the proceeding book which shall be sign by the Chairperson , Secretary .

(iv)Notice & Quorum of Meeting

Governing Body Meeting will be held once in every six month. The extraordinary Governing Body Meeting shall be held, if the President CWA considers fit to hold it.

For hold meeting write Circular Order shall be issue at least 7day in advance and Agenda shall reach the member in time .   The quorum is be for the Governing Body shall be 2/3rd of the total strength . 


( i)General Council define

Henceforth this body will be known as General Council. The General Council shall consist of the following :-

( ii ) composition

  1. President is be : The Spouse of the Director General , CRPF is be will be the ex – officio President of the Association .
  2. Vice President : The spouse of the senior most Special Director General or Addl . Director General is be , CRPF is be post at HQr shall be the ex – officio Vice President of the Association .  
  3. Secretary:  DIGP (Welfare) at HQr, shall be the ex-officio Secretary of the Association. 
  4. Joint Secretary is be :   DC ( CWA ) at HQr shall be the ex – officio Joint Secretary of the Association .  
  5. Honorary Secretary: To be elected by the Central Executive Committee.
  6. Honorary Treasurer: To be elected by the Central Executive Committee.
  7. All members of Central Executive Committee will be the member of General Council and will hold the same designation as they are holding in Central Executive Committee.
  8. One representative from each RCWA will be nominated by Regional Executive Committees of CWA as member of General Council who will attend the annual meeting of General Council.

( i ) 10 member of CWA from National Capital Region will be nominate by Governing Body who will form the part of General Council for attend the Annual Meeting .  

( iii)Power , Duties and function of the General Council

  1. To create and appoint such committee as are desirable to carry out the work of the Association .
  2. To elect and appoint the member of Central Executive Committee .
  3. To review the annual report of the preceding year’s working of the Association along with balance sheet duly audited by a Chartered Accountant. 
  4. To consider the report of the Central Executive Committee/Regional Executive Committee and take action as per the recommendation.
  5. To approve major activities and programme of the Association during the following year.
  6. To consider any other business bring forward and with the permission of the Chair – person .

The business discussed or decided at the meeting shall be recorded in the proceedings book, which shall be signed by the Chairperson, Secretary.

(iv) Notice & Quorum of Meeting

For holding Annual Meeting of the General Council, time and place shall be intimated at least one month in advance.  For holding extraordinary meeting, a written Circular Order shall be issued at least 15 days in advance and Agenda shall reach the members in time. The quorum for the General Council shall be 1/3rd of the total strength .

( v)periodicity

Meeting of the General Council will be held once in every calendar year but not later than 15 calendar months after the last Annual General Council Meeting.  The Extraordinary General Council Meeting shall be held, if the President considers fit to hold it or if at-least 25 members request the President to hold such meeting to decide any urgent or important business.


( i ) The management of the Association shall be done through follow committee : –

(a)Central Executive Committee Defined : There shall be a Central Executive Committee at Hqr of Association i.e. Delhi, the day-to-day affairs and routine matters of the Association will be managed by this Committee composed of (all six members of Governing Body and sixteen members) the office bearers will be as follows :-

  1. President
  2. Vice President
  3. Secretary
  4. Honorary Secretary
  5. Joint Secretary
  6. Honorary Treasurer
  7. Members-16 (to be elected every year).

(ii) Election and its Mode

Election of the Central Executive Committee will be held during Annual General Council Meeting by raising hands.

(iii)Terms of the Office of the Central Executive Committee

Elected members shall hold the office for one year.  By that time the elections should be held invariably.  They shall be eligible for re-election.

Quorum and Meeting

The meeting of the Central Executive Committee shall be hold every month or any time whenever the President consider it fit .   Quorum is be for such meeting shall be 1/3rd of the total strength . 

( iv ) power of the Central Executive Committee

  1. The Committee shall execute all decisions taken in the General Council Meeting and would act according to the guidelines laid down.
  2. The Central Executive Committee shall have full powers and control over the funds as allocated by the General Council / Governing Body.
  3. The Committee shall consider and sanction necessary secretarial staff and fix their remunerations.  The working of the staff will be reviewed every year.
  4. To manage and regulate the Finances, accounts investments, property movables and immovables and administrative affairs of the Association.
  5. To hold functions for collection of funds, charities and donations. 
  6. To control and manage the Affairs of the Association not otherwise provide in the constitution of the Association .  
  7. The Committee is exercise shall exercise full control over theRegional Executive Committees and supervise their function and finance from time to time .  
  8. It shall appoint sub-committees as required from time to time.

The elected office bearers shall hold office for one year or until such time their successors are elected. 

(v)Powers and Duties of the Office Bearers of Central Executive Committee.

(a) President

  1. Shall preside over all meeting of Governing Body , Central Executive Committee and General Council .
  2. Shall exercise general supervision and control over the working of the Association and various bodies.
  3. Shall formulate welfare policy programme and issue direction .
  4. Shall nominate sub-committees in consultation with governing body.
  5. Shall nominate office bearers as per the constitution of the Association. 
  6. Shall have the right of casting Vote when the opinion of the member of the Governing Body and General Council ( both ) is equally divided .
  7. Shall jointly operate the accounts of the Association with the Secretary and the Treasurer. 
  8. May invite other lady / person include wife of retire officer of   CRPF and other uniformed service have specialized training / knowledge / work experience to attend the meeting of the Governing Body , Central Executive Committee and General Council to render such advice / service useful for the Association .  

( b ) Vice President

  1. Shall assume the functions and exercise all powers and duties of the President in her absence.
  2. Shall also render assistance to the President in discharge of her duties.

(c) Secretary

  1. Shall keep up – to – date list of all member .
  2. Shall issue notice for hold various meeting .
  3. Shall maintain minutes of the meetings to all concerned.
  4. Shall disseminate decisions of meeting to all concerned.
  5. Shall present report of Governing Body and Central Executive Committee before the General Council.
  6. Shall co-ordinate and allocate duties/responsibilities to various Committees /Sub-Committees under the guidance of President. 
  7. Shall jointly operate the account of the Association with the President and Treasurer .  
  8. Shall carry out all such duties as necessary for the proper and efficient functioning of Association under the advice of the President. 

( d ) Honorary Secretary

  1. Shall be subject to provision of these rules, exercise all such powers and do all such acts as may be required for proper conduct of the administrative business.
  2. Shall attend all the meetings of Governing Body, Central Executive Committee and General Council.
  3. co – is working ordinate efficient working of the office and super – vision over the sub – committee .
  4. Shall conduct and organize Governing Body meeting as well as Executive Committee meetings.

( e ) Joint Secretary

  1. Shall assist the Secretary and Honorary Secretary in day-to-day work and carry out duties assigned by the Secretary and Honorary Secretary.
  2. Shall exercise the powers and carry out the duties of the Honorary Secretary in absence.
  3. Shall draft an annual report of the Association for each year and present it in the General Council meeting. 
  4. Shall attend all the meetings of Governing Body, Central Executive Committee, General Council and record minutes.
  5. Shall exercise the power and carry out the duty of the Honorary Secretary in absence .  

(f) Honorary Treasurer

  1. Shall assist the Secretary / Honorary Secretary of Governing Body / Central Executive Committee in day-to-day work.
  2. Shall realize and receive all donations and other money due or donated to the Association by various sources.
  3. Will be responsible for proper maintenance accounting and keeping of records of the accounts / funds of the Association.
  4. Shall get the fund account audit by the duly qualify auditor so approve by the Governing Body .
  5. Shall jointly operate the account of the Association with Secretary and President .
  6. Shall submit duly audited balance sheet in the Annual General Council meeting.

( g ) member

Shall carry out all such duties assigned by the President and/or Vice-President.


In case any CWA/RCWA member has to attend a meeting of CWA in a different city, to and fro journey fare of CWA/RCWA members will be paid from CWA funds. Such journey fare should be equal to Air Fare of “Y” Class/Economy Class of any Private Airlines.


( a)Accounts

  1. The accounts of the Association will be maintained at its HQrs declared in the Memorandum of the Association.
  2. The President is operate shall jointly operate account of the Association with the Secretary and Treasurer in a nationalize bank .
  3. Cash book and ledger book shall be maintained by Secretary and Joint Secretary of CWA and will be put up before Treasurer for counter signature.
  4. All bills shall be cancelled by treasurer and Joint Secretary.
  5. A separate Receipt Voucher & Payment Voucher file shall be maintained by Secretary and Joint Secretary of CWA.
  6. Monthly summary shall be drawn by Joint Secretary of CWA which will be counter signed by Secretary and Treasurer.
  7. The correspondences on behalf of CWA shall be made by President, Secretary and Joint Secretary.


  1. All accounts of the Association shall be audited annually within one month of the expiry of the financial year through a qualified Chartered Accountant. 
  2. The auditor will be decide / approve by the Governing Body / Executive Committee .
  3. The internal audits will be carried out held yearly and the auditors / audit parties will be nominated by Secretary.
  4. The stock takings of the property of Association shall be conducted twice in the financial year.  The Sub-Committee for the stock taking will be detailed by the Executive Committees. 
  5. The auditors and the sub-committee detailed for carrying out of stock taking of the property of the Association shall have the right of access to the books, accounts and vouchers of the branch and shall be entitled to acquire from all members of the Governing Body or Central Executive Committee / Regional Executive Committee such information as may be necessary. 
  6. The audit report and the stock taking reports will be examined by the Central Executive Committee and will decide action to be taken on the observations made by the auditors / Sub-Committee detailed for conducting the stock taking of the property of the Association. 

Restructuring of Regional Centers:-

In reference to Para-b (Members) of CRPF has grown over a period of time into Sectors and Zones of Rules and Regulations, the composition of Regional Executive Committee hence forth is decided as under for smooth functioning of FWA centers at various level as under:-

SL No. designation Status in R.E.C. Remarks

Zone level

1 The spouse of Special DG/Addl. DG of concerned Zone Hqr Zonal Head CWA EX – Officio
2 The spouse of IG of concerned Zone HQr Zonal Vice Head CWA EX – Officio
3 Commandant of concerned Zone HQr Secretary CWA EX – Officio

Sector level

1 The spouse of IG of concerned Sector HQr Sector Head CWA EX – Officio
2 The spouse of DIG (Adm) of concerned Sector HQr Sector Vice Head CWA EX – Officio
3 Nominated Commandant from within the Sector by IG Sector Secretary CWA EX – Officio

Group Centre level

1 The spouse of DIG of Group Centre Group Centre Head RCWA EX – Officio
2 The spouse of next senior most officer of the Group Centre. Group Centre Vice Head RCWA EX – Officio
3 Dy. Commandant (Store) of Group Centre. Secretary RCWA EX – Officio
4 Elected from the members of the wives of Group Centre. Honorary Secretary RCWA EX – Officio
5 AC ( General ) or an A / C of Group Centre . Joint Secretary RCWA EX – Officio
6 Elected from the members of the wives of the CRPF personnel of Group Centre. Honorary Treasurer RCWA EX – Officio
7 To be elect from amongst the member locate at Group Centre elect office bearers is hold shall hold office for one year or until such time their successor are elect . Member-16 RCWA EX – Officio

The new structure created at the Zonal and Sector level will pursue the charter of CWA in their domains. They shall for the purpose enjoy congruent administrative operational, financial, legal and all other miscellaneous powers as necessary Governing Council is empowered to make relevant rules in this regard to facilitate the functioning at Zonal and Sector level. The formats and functional modules at Group Centre will remain unchanged.

Quorum and Meeting

The meeting of the Regional Executive Committees shall be held every month or any time whenever the Regional Head considers it fit.  Quorum for such meetings shall be 1/3rd of the total strength .

ii.power and duty of Regional Executive Committee

The Regional Executive committee shall co-ordinate all activities of the Association at the Regional level as per the guidelines decided from time to time by the Governing Body / Central Executive Committee.

III.Duties of the Office Bearers of Regional Executive Committee.

The office bearers is perform of the Regional Executive Committee shall perform the duty correspond to their assignment and as define for the office bearer of Central Executive Committee at HQr of the Association .

All Regional Executive Committee will open an account in nationalized bank.


( a)Accounts

  1. The accounts of the Regional Executive Committee will be     maintained    at its Regional HQr.
  2. The Regional Head shall jointly operate accounts of the Regional Executive Committee with the Regional Secretary and Regional         Treasurer in a nationalized bank.
  3. All regional Executive Committees will follow the same procedure for maintaining cash book / ledger book and other related documents as defined for Central Executive Committee.

( b ) audits

  1. All account of the Regional Executive Committees shall be audit annually within one month of the expiry of the financial year through a qualified Chartered Accountant / Audit Party .
  2. The Auditors will be decided / approved by the Regional Executive Committee.
  3. The internal audits will be carry out half yearly and the auditor / audit party will be nominate by Regional Secretary .  
  4. The stock-taking of the property of Regional Executive Committee shall be conducted twice in the financial year.  The Sub-Committee for the stock taking will be detailed by the Regional Executive Committees.  
  5. The auditor and the sub – committee detailed is have for carry out stock taking of the property of the Regional Executive Committee shall have the right of access to the book , account and voucher of the Regional Executive Committee and shall be entitle to acquire from all member of the Regional Executive Committee such information as may be necessary .
  6. The audit report and the stock take report will be examine by the Regional Executive Committee and will decide action to be take on the observation made by the auditor / Sub – Committee detail for conduct the stock taking of the property of the Regional Executive Committee .
  7. Every year during the General Council Meeting, All Regional Executive Committee will produce their Annual balance sheet before the Central Executive Committee.

source of Income and Utilisation of Capital

The Capital shall be composed of :-

  1. voluntary donations is is : The Association is is is a social welfare organization and welcome the donation and contribution from the public / private organization , grant from charitable institution , Govt . or semi – government organization or member of the Association .
  2. All Regional Executive Committees may organize fund collection drives.  However, the Regional Executive Committees will obtain prior approval before implementing such fund raising schemes and the money so collected shall be shared on the principles that 75 percent of the amount shall be retained by the branch concerned while the balance 25 percent shall be deposited with the HQrs of Association for promotion of CRPF Family Welfare Association programmes.
  3. Income from investments:  Income from any other such activity as decided by the Governing Body.
  4. Utilization of Capital  :  The capital of the Association shall be utilized in carrying out its aims and objectives and the investment shall be made only with prior proposition by Governing Body.

Operation of Bank Accounts

The President is operate shall jointly operate account of the Association with the Secretary and Treasurer in a Bank duly approve by the Governing Body .


All the provisions under all the sections of the Societies Registration Act, 1860 as applicable to the Union Territory of Delhi shall apply to the Association.

Dissolution and Adjustment of Affairs

If the Society need to be dissolved, it shall be dissolved as per the provisions laid down under section 13 & 14 of the Societies Registration Act, 1860, as applicable to the Union Territory of Delhi.

Application of the Act

All the provisions is apply under all the section of the Societies Registration Act 1860 as applicable to the Union Territory of Delhi shall apply to this Association .  

Essential Certificate

Certified that this is the amended copy of the Rules and Regulations of the Association.