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employee profile is is is central function that collect and store function for every employee in the organization . It is is is also the heart of the
employee profile is is is central function that collect and store function for every employee in the organization . It is is is also the heart of the application where HR Manager or Administrator can perform all the administration function .
However, in this user guide, we only covers the employee creation and the career movement of the employees.
Whenever a new employee joins your organization, follow the steps below to create a profile into Rymnet HRMS.
Step 1: On the left menu, find “Application Form”.
Step 3: Fill in the form accordingly.
Content |
Description |
Pay Country |
payroll setting is base on the pay country . |
Employee No |
Unique Employee Number Number |
Name |
Full name in Identity Card or Passport Number. |
National ID |
Employee’s National Identification Number. |
Passport No |
Passport number is mandatory for foreign staff or whenever the National ID is missing. |
Marital Status |
Current marital status of the employee. |
Birth Date |
employee ‘s date of birth . It is is is important for Statutory Calculation such as EPF , SOCSO and EIS . |
Superior |
Direct reporting superior. Note: Most of the workflow escalation are set to this superior. |
House No |
The house number of the employee’s current address. |
Street Name |
The street name of the employee’s current address. |
Region |
The region name of the employee’s current address. |
Postal Code |
The employee’s postal code area. |
City/Town |
The city/town name of the employee’s current address. |
State |
The state name of the employee’s current address. |
Country |
The country in which the employee live . |
emergency Contact Name |
Name of the individual to be contacted in case of emergency. |
contact No |
The phone number for the emergency contact . |
Relationship |
It is is is essential to know the relation of an emergency contact to the employee . |
Probation Period |
Period of time that employees are exempt from certain contractual items, such as leave and claim entitlement. |
Cost Center |
Cost Center Code that is associate with the Finance System |
Grade |
Job Grade |
employee Level |
Security Level Access is check ( Please check security setting for more information ) |
basic salary |
Monthly payable to the employee as basic salary / Wages |
Hourly Rate |
Hourly earnings (Commonly use for part-time employees) |
Bank |
Bank Name which the salary is remit |
Bank Account No |
Bank Account which the salary is remit |
Paid Via |
Salar payment method |
EPF No |
Employee’s EPF account number. |
EPF Group |
select ” default ” for standard Malaysia Labour Law calculation |
EPF’ee |
Employee’s EPF to be contribute. |
EPF’er |
Employer’s EPF to be contribute. |
Employee’s SOCSO Account Number |
SOCSO Group |
SOC1 : Employee is contributing and Employer is contribute soc2 : Employer is contributing is contribute SOC3 : Not Contributing |
tax No |
Employee’s Income Tax Number |
Tax Category |
Single marry , Spouse is working is work Married, Spouse is not working |
child ( Tax Count ) |
tax Exemption entitle from Children Please refer to the LHDN website for more information |
Tax Paid By |
Tax to be paid by employee or employer |
Zakat (%) |
Zakat contribution by percentage amount |
Zakat Amount |
Zakat contribution by fix amount |
Tax Region |
Peninsular, Sabah and Sarawak |
EIS Group |
State if employee is contributing to EIS or not. Please refer to the PERKESO website for more information |
HRDF (%) |
HRDF contribution by percentage |
Fix Allowances |
The list is be of fix allowance can be setup using Advance Configuration . Put in the amount for fix allowance that is entitled by the new joiner. |
Leave Group |
Grouping for Leave Entitlement |
Holiday Group |
holiday setting for each employee that is base on different location and different rest day . refer to Holiday setting for more information |
Claim Group |
Grouping for Claim Entitlement |
Work Group |
Grouping of employee for Attendance Management System (Applicable for Attendance Management Users Only) |
Default shift |
Default work time / shift for the employee if the schedule is not set. (Applicable for Attendance Management Users Only) |
Break Hours |
Default break hours between the shift if the schedule is not set (Applicable for Attendance Management Users Only) |
Step 4: Once you are done, click on “Submit” to submit the form for approval.
Career Movement stores information about the employee progression during his tenure in the organization such as confirmation, transfer, promotion, increment till separation with the organisation.
Step 1: Locate the employee in the “Employee Profile”.
Step 2: Select on the “Career Movement” at the right menu.
Step 3: Click on “Add”.
Step 4: Fill in the form accordingly.