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  • Dark Chronicle

  • Dark Cloud

build up from

Build up to

build up from

Build up to

The Sax is a bladed weapon and part of Toan ‘s weapon inDark Cloud, and Monica Raybrandt’s melee weapons in Dark Chronicle. It is built up from the Baselard or Kitchen Knife in Dark Cloud, and only built up from the Broad Sword in Dark Chronicle. In both games it can only otherwise be found in treasure chests.


Dark Cloud[]

Attr. Min. Build-up Attr. Min. Build-up
26 ( 65 ) 38 0
40 0
50 70 0
15 (41) 29 0
0 10
0 20 0 8
10 0
0 20 0 10
0 12 10
0 8

Dark Chronicle[]

Behind the scene[]

The Sax resembles an Anglo-Saxon styled short sword more commonly known as a Seax, which in Anglo-Saxon translates to ‘Knife’.