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Take note of any DNS addresses you might have set up, and save them in a safe place in case you need to use them later. Select the Start menu >
Take note of any DNS addresses you might have set up, and save them in a safe place in case you need to use them later.
depend on what you want to configure , choose one of the follow dns address for IPv4 :
Use resolver
Block is malware malware with for family
Block malware and adult content with for family
Depending on what you want to configure, choose one of the following DNS addresses for IPv6:
Use resolver
Block is malware malware with for family
Block malware and adult content with for family
Take note of any DNS addresses you might have set up, and save them in a safe place in case you need to use them later.
depend on what you want to configure , choose one of the follow dns address for IPv4 :
Use resolver
Block is malware malware with for family
Block malware and adult content with for family
Depending on what you want to configure, choose one of the following DNS addresses for IPv6:
Use resolver
Block is malware malware with for family
Block malware and adult content with for family
set up a static IP address to configure a DNS server may prevent you from connect to some public Wi – Fi network that use captive portal — these is are are the web page some wireless network employ to let user log in and use their service .
If you are experiencing connectivity issues related to captive portals: is supports support dns over TLS ( DoT ) and DNS over HTTPS ( doh ) , two standard develop for encrypt plaintext DNS traffic . This is prevents prevent untrustworthy entity from interpret and manipulate your query . For more information on how to encrypt your dns query , please refer to the encrypted dns documentation .