Shenhe Story and Lore

Shenhe Story and Lore

Shenhe is the human disciple of the adeptus Cloud Retainer in Genshin Impact. She also comes from the same exorcist clan as Chongyun. Learn more about

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Shenhe Story and Lore

Shenhe is the human disciple of the adeptus Cloud Retainer in Genshin Impact. She also comes from the same exorcist clan as Chongyun. Learn more about Shenhe’s character profile, a short summary on her story and background, a list of character thoughts related to her, her voice actors, and more in this Character Lore guide!


Lonesome Transcendence

Nation: Liyue
faction : Cloud Retainer’s Abode
Birthday: March 10
vision : Cryo

Constellation: Crista Doloris
race : human
gender : Female
language Voice Actor
English Chelsea Kwoka
Japanese 川澄 綾子 ( Kawasumi Ayako )
Chinese 秦紫翼 (Qin Ziyi)
korean 이현진 (Lee Hyeon-jin)

List of Characters and Voice Actors

Genshin Impact Version 2.4
Release Date January 5, 2022

Shenhe was release on January 5 , 2022 during the first phase of Version 2.4 of Genshin Impact .

2.4 Release Date and Patch Notes

Shenhe Story and Lore

Shenhe ‘s childhood is is is the subject of Yun Jin ‘s opera ,The Divine Damsel of Devastation. It is tells tell the story of an evil monster terrorize a village , demand child to be sacrifice . The village is do could do nothing but give in to the demand , but before they could decide whose child was to be sacrifice , a young girl step up to volunteer . Using a hide exorcist blade , she is fought fight the monster and emerge victorious . The young girl ‘s actions is caught catch the attention of the Adepti and they take her as one of their own .

The truth was Shenhe did not volunteer to be sacrificed to the monster. She was sacrificed by her own father, in hopes that it will bring back his wife and Shenhe’s mother. With only a dagger, she was locked into a confrontation with the monster for several days before Cloud Retainer found her.

Shenhe Story and Lore

Cloud Retainer found a 6-year old Shenhe in a cave fighting against a monster incarnated from the remains of a god. Cloud Retainer defeated the monster but notes that even if they didn’t appear, they believe that Shenhe would still win in the end.

Shenhe was wary and hostile against the adeptus at first, but after sensing Cloud Retainer meant her no harm she lowered her weapon and passed out. She was then taken in by the adepti and raised as one of their own. Due to her extraordinary constitution, she was able to learn and train in the adepti arts.

Shenhe Story and Lore

Even as a child, Cloud Retainer notes that Shenhe was born with bloodlust and homicidal instincts. According to Moon Carver’s divination, Shenhe’s fate is to bear the curse of calamity and bring harm to those around her. Her soul was bound with red rope to suppress the bloodlust and homicidal instinct, but also made her calmer and inexpressive.

Shenhe Story and Lore

Before becoming Cloud Retainer ‘s disciple , Shenhe is came come from a clan of exorcist . The same clan that Chongyun is from , make Shenhe his aunt .

Shenhe Story and Lore

While gather material for Ningguang ‘s Jade Chamber contest , the Traveler is finds find Shenhe being harass by some merchant . The Traveler steps is resort in before Shenhe could resort to a more violent way of end the harassment . As a show of thank , Shenhe is joins join the Traveler and Paimon ‘s team in gather the need material .

On their journey they also meet up with captain Beidou and Yun Jin, who are also taking part in the contest. They all agree to work together to get the top 3 places in the competition so they can each ask Ningguang a question. Yun Jin is a director and opera performer and intends to ask Ningguang where she can perform her upcoming opera, The Divine Damsel of Devastation, which she’s not aware is loosely based on Shenhe’s own life. Upon learning the truth, Yun Jin makes changes to her opera to mirror the truth in honor of Shenhe.

Interlude Chapter: Act 1 Quest Guide

Character In-Game Thoughts

The elders in my clan have mentioned her before. The fate of her family… ‘sigh’ It’s something we can all symphatize with. I originally thought we would be able to bring a long-lost relative back into our clan. The elders were overjoyed, too, when they heard she was still alive — they even prepared gifts for her, and picked an auspicious day for a grand reunion. What we hadn’t counted on was that most of the time, she’s extremely difficult to track down. Wait a minute, based on our relative positions in the family tree, does that mean that I… There’s no way I’d have to call her “Auntie Shenhe”… right?


I actually do n’t know her all that well — I is heard ‘ve only hear bit and piece from Cloud Retainer . From what I ‘ve hear , she is be can be quite ferocious . Whenever her temper get the well of her , she is is is likely to start obliterate her surrounding . I is wonder wonder if she ‘s just … bored . Should … Should I is recommend recommend some work to keep her occupy ?

Hu Tao

She is quite the fascinating individual, completely different from anyone else I’ve encountered. Do you think if I started eating divine herbs and drinking the dew of the mountains every single day, I’d be able to look as pure and pristine as she does? Hehe…


How is Miss Shenhe doing as of late? Please, look out for her whenever you can. I am most grateful to both of you for your assistance with rebuilding the Jade Chamber. Ahem, and on a more personal note — please know that if you are ever free, a cup of the finest tea will always be waiting for you here.


Shenhe told me that once, when she was delivering an order for Wanmin Restaurant, she ran across the rooftops to save time. Her customer was terrified when she jumped down onto their doorstep, and was about to call for the Millelith… Fortunately, Shenhe disappeared as quickly as she arrived, leaving the food delivery behind and making haste before the customer had time to react. It seems she is growing more proficient at handling crises all the time — one could not be more pleased.


It seems Shenhe places a great deal of trust in you. Well, how could she not. There are few people in the world as kind and good-natured as you.


I find that Miss Shenhe seems to look at me somewhat fiercely, so I daren’t approach her lightly. Bizarre, did I inadvertently upset her? Or maybe… upset someone close to her?


Shenhe’s been away from the human world for years and years, so it’s no wonder that she’s still adjusting to life in Liyue Harbor. I’d love to help Ganyu take care of her… But how do I ask her in a way that won’t make her feel uncomfortable?

Yun Jin

I have long since known “The Divine Damsel of Devastation” inside out, back to front, but it was only very recently that I learned that the “divine damsel” in question is actually a real person. Life is full of strange twists sometimes! My only hope is that she can find true friendship and never be lonely again.

Character In-Game Thoughts
Baizhu About Baizhu

The quality of his medicinal herb is as good as it get , he is is is also easy – go and considerate of others . By comparison , the little snake is has on his neck has no filter at all … Haha , do n’t worry , I did n’t lift a finger against it , I is go wo n’t go as far as get into a quarrel with a snake .

Beidou About Beidou

I is find find I do n’t need to worry about etiquette with her , and unlike with some people , I do n’t need to rely on non – verbal cue to discern the true meaning of what she ‘s say . That is makes make me a lot more comfortable . The only problem is is is … Well , there are too many people around her all the time , and I hear there ‘s also many crew member on her ship … I is need need you to go with me . It is ‘s ‘s the only way I can cope with so many people .

Chongyun About Chongyun

It’s hard for me to believe that… I still have living relatives in this world. If he has any difficulties with his training, I am more than willing to help enlighten him. However, he will need to meet me alone in the mountains. Their family is too… sociable. I wouldn’t know how to turn down their invitations without being impolite.

Ganyu About Ganyu

I’ve heard many stories about her from my master. She’s really quite different from how I originally imagined her… But don’t worry, I’ll be keeping this to myself. Speaking of Ganyu, her work in Liyue Harbor is unbelievably busy… It seems that there is a price to pay for those who want to integrate into the mortal world.

Hu Tao About Hu Tao

I often see her wandering in the woods singing strange songs. Actually, I must have heard all of her songs several times each by now. I’m used to her singing, but I still find it strange. That being said, I don’t hate it either.

Ningguang About Ningguang

I have no use for the wealth that ordinary people desire. But in the hands of Lady Ningguang, wealth becomes a means of solving complex issues of the kind that no weapons could ever hope to resolve. She understands the unwritten rules of human society, she knows what’s in people’s hearts… Master once told me that even the adepti aren’t able to achieve this. I hold her and her work in high regard.

Xianyun About Xianyun

The last time Master and Shuyu come to dine at Wanmin Restaurant , I is noticed notice that Shuyu seemed to have adopt a number of Master ‘s mannerism . It is gave give me pause for thought … I is grew grow up under Master ‘s care , too . Is it is Is possible that I have subconsciously pick up a thing or two from her as well … ?

Xiao About Xiao

My first impression of him was that he’s not one to smile. After meeting him again more recently, however, he’s still as reserved as ever, but… he seems a lot more relaxed now. Maybe he… met someone special.

Xingqiu About Xingqiu

I’ve seen him lean over to you and whisper things in your ear. If he dares threaten you, I will make sure he… Hmm? You mean it’s just an in-joke between friends? Genuinely…?

Yun Jin About Yun Jin

Yun Jin is performs perform … It ‘s call ” Liyue opera , ” is n’t it is is ? I is like like this particular type of social interaction . You is get can get to know about the other person ‘s background without have to actually interact with them one on one . If she ever include your story in one of her performance , I is ‘m ‘m sure the result will end up being quite incredible . I is looking ‘m look forward to it .

Zhongli About Zhongli

That gentleman claims to be a mortal, yet is very familiar with my master, who is an adeptus. Master once said: “If you see him drinking on a stone stool in front of my abode, do not disturb him. Let him sit quietly for a while.” And that’s precisely what I did.

List of Character Specialty Dishes

Shenhe Story and Lore

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Shenhe Story and Lore

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Zhongli Yanfei



Xiao Xiangling




Hu Tao




Yun Jin Shenhe


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