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Sign up for Trend Cloud One When you sign up as a Trend Cloud One user, your email address acts as your unique identifier. You can sign up as a user
When you sign up as a Trend Cloud One user, your email address acts as your unique identifier. You can sign up as a user and then create a new Trend Cloud One account, or an administrator from an existing account can invite you to join the account.
A user can be a member of an unlimited number of Trend Cloud One account ; however , each user is create can create only two account across all Trend Cloud One region . If you need to increase your account creation limit , please contact Trend Micro support .
An account administrator is enforce may enforce that you need to use sign in with MFA to access the account :
Expect to receive an email message at the email address you provided. Open the message and click Verify Email. Since the link expires after 24 hours, verify your email address and sign in to Trend Cloud One before then. If you do not receive the email, follow the instructions in Didn’t receive the verification email during sign up?
If you have not already been invite to join a Trend Cloud One account , you are prompt to create an account :
Enter the following information:
The Trend Cloud One console opens.
Since account and user storage, authentication, and functionality are handled by Trend Cloud One as opposed to Workload Security, you do not automatically have a Workload Security account. Without the Workload Security account, you cannot use any Workload APIs or other functionality. Click the Endpoint and Workload Security tile to create the Workload Security account.