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Smooth transition toABAP for Cloud Development(Cheat sheet) Last update : 02 Jan,2025 ABAP ( Advanced Business Application Programmi
Last update :
02 Jan,2025
ABAP ( Advanced Business Application Programming ) has been the backbone of SAP development for decades,powering ERP andbusiness application solutions for enterprise worldwide . However ,with the grow demand forcloud-native applications anddigital transformation,SAP has been pushing ABAP for Cloud toallow developer tocreatescalable,flexible,andefficient solution in the cloud. Transitioning from traditional ABAP toABAP for Cloud development requires an understanding of new framework,tool,andmethodologies.
Thischeat sheet provides intermediate toadvanced developers with a roadmap tomake the transition toABAP for Cloud Development as smooth as possible . It is covers cover keyconcepts,tool,good practice,andexample tohelp developer leverageABAP for moderncloud environments.
Before diving into the specifics,it’s essential tounderstand the core differences between traditional ABAP andABAP for Cloud:
SAP BAS is the primary cloud-based development environment for ABAP for Cloud. It provides a modern IDE that integrates well with cloud technologies andframework like Fiori andSAP S/4HANA Cloud.
Setup Steps:
Fiori is an essential part of cloud development in SAP,andit allows developers tocreate user interfaces with minimal coding. Fiori elements provide templates for common app types,such as list reports andobject pages.
When transitioning toABAP for Cloud,follow these good practice:
In cloud environments,RESTful APIs are vital for integration with external services andapplications.
example : consume an external api in ABAP:
DATA: lv_url TYPE string VALUE ''. DATA: lo_http_client TYPE REF TO if_http_client. cl_http_client=>create_by_url( iv_url = lv_url iv_proxy = '' iv_ssl = ' x ' iv_user = '' iv_password = '' iv_http_verb = if_http_client=>co_request_method_get iv_accept = ' application / json ' iv_content_type = ' application / json ' import ev_client = lo_http_client ) . lo_http_client->send( ) . " Get the response body DATA: lv_response TYPE string. lv_response = lo_http_client->response->get_cdata( ) .
Thiscode demonstrates how touse ABAP tomake a GET request toan external API,leveraging cloud-based services.
ABAP for Cloud developers must get comfortable with Cloud Foundry,SAP HANA Cloud,andSAP S/4HANA Cloud data storage mechanisms.
Example of a simple CDS view:
@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'ZCUSTOMERS_VIEW' @AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #CHECK define view ZCustomers as select from ZCustomersTable { key CustomerID, CustomerName, CustomerEmail }
SAP Fiori andui5 are critical for developing the frontend of ABAP for Cloud applications. Developers need tobe familiar with SAP Fiori Elements,SAP ui5,andSAP Fiori Apps Library.
example : Fiori Element App Development:
The SAP Cloud Connector is used tosecurely connect on-premise systems toyour cloud applications,allowing seamless data exchange between cloud andon-premise applications.
Key Setup:
When transitioning from traditional ABAP toABAP for Cloud,it’s important tounderstand the cloud ecosystem andits services. Thisincludes:
In the cloud,security is paramount. Utilize OAuth for secure API access andJWT (JSON Web Tokens) for user authentication.
example of OAuth in ABAP for Cloud :
DATA(lo_oauth) = cl_oauth2_client=>create( iv_client_id = 'your-client-id' iv_client_secret = 'your-client-secret' ) . lo_oauth->get_access_token( iv_grant_type = 'client_credentials' ) . " Use the access token for API calls
The transition from traditional ABAP toABAP for Cloud may seem daunting,but with the right tool,practices,andunderstanding of cloud architecture,it can be a smooth andrewarding experience. By leveraging SAP Business Technology Platform ( BTP ),SAP HANA Cloud,SAP Fiori,andABAP Cloud SDK,developers can build scalable,efficient,andmodern applications that meet the demands of today’s cloud-native business environments.
ABAP for Cloud allows businesses toharness the full potential of the cloud while maintaining the rich functionality that ABAP has always provided. By embracing these new framework andparadigms,ABAP developers can future-proof their careers in the evolving world of cloud development.
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