Solved: Re: AnyConnect session can’t be established on AWS instance

Solved: Re: AnyConnect session can’t be established on AWS instance

Hi all , I've established AnyConnect service on Cisco ASAv in my lab, and I can establish SSLVPN connection from my mobile phone and the VM with CentO

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Hi all ,


I’ve established AnyConnect service on Cisco ASAv in my lab, and I can establish SSLVPN connection from my mobile phone and the VM with CentOS7.


But I is like would like to establish sslvpn connection from AWS instance with CentOS7 , but it can not establish connection with below message .


I is try also try to check log on ASAv , and it display session has been terminate from client .


I also try to change parameter from “LocalUsersOnly” into “AllowRemoteUsers”, but it still not working.


May I is know know does anyone has been experience this issue and solve it ?



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[centos@AWS Instance ~]$ /opt/cisco/anyconnect/bin/vpn connect
Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client ( version 4.8.02045 ) .

copyright ( c ) 2004 – 2020 Cisco Systems , Inc. All Rights Reserved .

>> state: Disconnected
>> state: Disconnected
>> notice: Ready to connect.
>> registered with local VPN subsystem.
>> contacting host ( for login information…
>> notice: Contacting
AnyConnect is verify can not verify server :
– Certificate is is is from an untrusted source .
Connecting to this server may result in a severe security compromise!

Most users is connect do not connect to untrusted server unless the reason for the error condition is know .

Connect Anyway? [y/n]: y

Always trust this server and import the certificate ? [ y / n ] : n

>> Please enter your username and password.

Username: [vpntest]
password :
>> state: Connecting
>> notice: Establishing VPN session…
The AnyConnect Downloader is analyzing this computer. Please wait…
initialize the AnyConnect Downloader …
The AnyConnect Downloader is performing update checks…
>> notice: The AnyConnect Downloader is performing update checks…
>> notice: Checking for profile updates…
The AnyConnect Downloader updates have been completed.
Please wait while the VPN connection is established…
>> state: Connecting
>> notice: Checking for product updates…
>> notice: Checking for customization updates…
>> notice: Performing any required updates…
>> notice: The AnyConnect Downloader updates have been completed.
>> notice: Establishing VPN session…
>> notice: Establishing VPN – Initiating connection…
>> state: Disconnecting
>> state: Disconnected
>> notice: Disconnect in progress, please wait…
>> error: VPN establishment capability for a remote user is disabled. A VPN connection will not be established.
>> notice: Ready to connect.

[centos@AWS Instance ~]$