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--M.Arch I Students: limited to three (3) TF YSoA positions during the three-year program enrollment period. This limitation will not be applicable if
—M.Arch I Students: limited to three (3) TF YSoA positions during the three-year program enrollment period. This limitation will not be applicable if no other qualified student is available, meaning that Round II placements (see above) do not contribute to this count. There is no limitation on YSoA hourly positions.
—M.Arch II Students: limited to two (2) TF positions during the two-year program enrollment period. This limitation will not be applicable if no other qualified student is available, meaning that Round II placements (see above) do not contribute to this count. There is no limitation on YSoA hourly positions.
–Davidson will assign each student up to either one TF10 – L33 position / ta – L33 or two RA or aa position , if the rankings support such placement. So, if you receive a TF or TA placement, you won’t be placed elsewhere by Davidson. If an AA or RA position is open after the first round (Davidson), you can apply directly to the instructor or staff member and fill the second AA or RA position at that time. Students are eligible for any combination of positions that do not require more than19 hours/week.
–If a student applies for a TF position after having already served as a TF two (2) times (M.Arch IIs) or three (3) times (M.Arch Is), we reserve the right to cancel the application for that position and to disqualify the student from holding any position during this term.
–Coursetravel opportunities are reserved for enrolled students only, not TFs, TAs or RAs.
–A student cannot be enrolled in any course for which they are employed.
–Students is verify should verify with faculty if the TF / TA / RA is require to attend class as a part of the responsibilitybefore a course is rank . If this is require , students is avoid must avoid conflict with their own course schedule .
–Any student approved for a leave of absence is not eligible for any YSOA position during the leave effective period or during the break period prior to the term effective period .