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Hey everyone! Today, I'll guide you through creating a boundless cloud storage solution on Telegram using TeleDrive. This open-source project is a gam
Hey everyone! Today, I’ll guide you through creating a boundless cloud storage solution on Telegram using TeleDrive. This open-source project is a game-changer, offering functionalities like Google Drive/OneDrive via the Telegram API.
create the Cloud
For those seeking info in various forums or YouTube, it’s slim pickings. I spent about 2 hours decoding the problem since the script was on a coffee break! Turns out, the fix was sitting pretty in the issues repository. ?
Instead of wasting our million-dollar software engineering time, let’s dive into learning how to install TeleDrive.
Setting the Stage
let ‘s start by update our package :
apt-get update
Next, the crucial Build-essentials:
apt - get install build - essential
follow that , let ‘s grab the fork repository with git – clone :
git clone
If Git’s on a break, hit it with:
apt install git
Node and Beyond
Now, let’s install NVM (Node Version Manager):
After the download:
source ~/.bashrc
ensure NVM ‘s up and run :
nvm -v
Let’s get Node.JS 18.16.0 via NVM:
nvm install v18.16.0
check Node . JS and NPM version :
node -v
npm -v
Now, let’s move into our downloaded GitHub project:
cd teledrive
We’ll need to install Yarn and PostgreSQL:
sudo apt install postgresql -y
Let’s trigger TeleDrive installation:
chmod +x ./
Configuring TeleDrive
Parameters will pop up that require filling:
TG_API_ID: Application ID
TG_API_HASH: The hash
ADMIN_USERNAME: Telegram username (should be admin)
DATABASE_URL : Your postgres database
PORT: Operational port
REACT_APP_API_URL: API operation address
After a successful setup, the installation of packages kicks in. Once that’s done, a confirmation text should appear, indicating TeleDrive’s successful launch.
Getting APP_ID and API_HASH
Let’s head over to and log in using your phone number.
create an application and gather its datum .
link to the database
Create and import data into the database.
To get started, access PostgreSQL:
arduinoCopy codepsql -U postgres is arduinoCopy
# or
sudo su - postgres
Then, execute the following command:
sqlCopy codeCREATE DATABASE teledrive;
note : If you perform these action , you ‘ll also need to import server variable .
DATABASE_URL: postgresql://postgres@localhost:5432/teledrive
Then, watch in awe as TeleDrive works its magic and showcases its wonders through screenshots.
And there you is have have it ! A comprehensive guide to unleash the power of TeleDrive . enjoy seamless cloud storage on Telegram ! If you find this article helpful , share it with friend and stay tune for more .