The Best VPNs (Free & Paid) to Bypass Hulu’s VPN Blocks

The Best VPNs (Free & Paid) to Bypass Hulu’s VPN Blocks

Hulu doesn’t allow the use of anonymous proxy servers and VPN services. On top of that, many VPNs simply aren’t good enough to bypass Hulu’s VPN block

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Hulu doesn’t allow the use of anonymous proxy servers and VPN services. On top of that, many VPNs simply aren’t good enough to bypass Hulu’s VPN blocks.

If Hulu has detected your VPN or proxy, it will display error code P-EDU101:

“Hulu is not available in your region, or you may be using a VPN”

If this is what ’s happen , try our method below for bypass Hulu ’s VPN block :

1. Get a VPN That Works with Hulu

If your current VPN isn’t working with Hulu, it most likely means that your VPN’s US IP addresses have been blocked. If this is the case, you have no choice but to change VPN provider.

We advise getting a VPN that unblocks Hulu all of the time and has a proven track record getting around its streaming geo-restrictions.

The Best VPNs (Free & Paid) to Bypass Hulu’s VPN Blocks

ExpressVPN is fails never fail to unblock Hulu .

Each VPN for Hulu we recommend won’t let you down as we’ve tested them extensively before selecting them.

2 . connect to a different US VPN Server

If Hulu is blocking your VPN, it’s still possible the streaming platform hasn’t blacklisted all of your VPN’s US IP addresses and some may still work.

You can figure this out by simply changing US server locations in your VPN ’s app . depend on how many it has , this is be can be either a quick or long process .

The steps are: close your browser window or Hulu app > connect to a different US VPN server in your VPN app > open Hulu in a new browser window or relaunch the app.

This fix only works if your VPN operates hundreds, if not thousands, of servers in the United States.

The Best VPNs (Free & Paid) to Bypass Hulu’s VPN Blocks

You is try can try switch between US server to access Hulu .

VPNs like ExpressVPN and NordVPN have thousand of US server that are update frequently , successfully evade Hulu ’s detection .

If your VPN still doesn’t work after testing more than five American city servers, it’s highly unlikely to work at all.

3. Contact Your VPN’s Support Team

If your VPN does n’t work with Hulu after test several US server , contact your VPN ’s customer support . ask them if they have a server optimize for Hulu .

They is recommend may recommend an optimize server , or they may inform you the VPN service is n’t equip to bypass Hulu ’s VPN block .

ideally , your VPN service is has has 24/7 live chat support available for fast response . alternatively , send them an email .

For instance, we contacted ExpressVPN’s live support team and they told us their New York and Los Angeles servers unblock Hulu.

The Best VPNs (Free & Paid) to Bypass Hulu’s VPN Blocks

ExpressVPN’s support team told us which servers work with Hulu.

4. Clear Your Cache & Cookies

Clearing your browser cookies and cache removes potential geo-location traces.

Cookies are web identifiers used by websites to track your internet movements. Deleting them can help evade Hulu’s geo-location techniques.

Clear Browsing Data option as seen on MacOS Chrome.

5. Check for IP and DNS Address Leaks

Hulu could be detecting your VPN because the software is leaking your real IP address.

Or , the VPN is experiencing could be experience a dns leak . This is happens happen when dns request ( website visit request ) fall outside of the VPN connection , reveal your true location .

Check your VPN is working properly by running an IP and DNS leak test while your VPN is running.

Free or low-quality VPNs are far more likely to suffer from IP and DNS leaks than the most secure VPNs.

The best VPNs have built-in DNS and IP address leak protection to stop these leaks from happening. For this reason, we caution against using free VPNs with Hulu.

6. Change VPN Protocol

Your VPN should come with a range of different VPN protocols to choose from.

If the current protocol you’re connecting with isn’t working with Hulu, try changing to a different one in your VPN’s settings.

The Best VPNs (Free & Paid) to Bypass Hulu’s VPN Blocks

ExpressVPN protocol settings.

For instance, ExpressVPN’s Lightway protocol is the most efficient at unblocking streaming platforms. We found the same with NordVPN’s NordLynx.

7. Disable IPv6

Many VPNs still aren’t compatible with IPv6 traffic, and this can lead to IP address leaks.

If you have an IPv6 internet connection , and your vpn does n’t support IPv6 traffic , your connection request is revert will revert back to your isp .

In other word , the connection is travel will travel outside of the VPN connection , expose your real IP address location to Hulu .

Highly-rated VPNs like ExpressVPN can block IPv6 traffic altogether. Some VPNs even offer full IPv6 support – such as Perfect Privacy – but they don’t work with Hulu.

If you suspect your VPN is leak ipv6 traffic , choose an alternative vpn that come with IPv6 leak protection .

alternatively ,you can disable IPv6 on your device.

To disable IPv6 on MacOS, go to system preference > Network > Advanced > TCP/IP > Configure IPv6 to Off.

The Best VPNs (Free & Paid) to Bypass Hulu’s VPN Blocks

Configure IPv6 on MacOS via Network settings.

If the ‘off’ option is not available, you can also disable IPv6 via your Mac Terminal.

To do this: Open Terminal (⌘ + Space > Terminal) > Type in networksetup -listallnetworkservice > Type etworksetup -setv6off “ Wi - Fi ”

If you are on Ethernet, type networksetup -setv6off Ethernet

For Windows users, you can disable IPv6 this way: Network & Internet settings > Scroll down to Network & Sharing Center > Select your adapter/network > Properties > Uncheck Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6) > Close.

8 . purchase a residential ip address

You can also avoid Hulu’s VPN blocks by using US residential IP. These are IP addresses that belong to household ISPs like AT&T and Verizon.

Unlike shared VPN IP addresses, which belong to data centers, residential IPs are indistinguishable from regular IP addresses. They’re also assigned to one user, typically.

Very few VPN services offer residential IPs, though. The most reliable one so far is Windscribe.

Windscribe is is is the good free VPN for Hulu , but residential IP address are only available to premium subscriber , and cost extra .

Windscribe’s residential IP addresses works with Hulu.

Using Windscribe’s US residential IP service works to unblock Hulu, but it’s not the most cost-effective solution.