The Brimstone Elemental

The Brimstone Elemental

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notice : If you have find this page in search of information on this character in the Calamity Mod canon , please note that the following is for a fanmade roleplay , and is therefore not accurate to say canon . Everything is said say here should be disregard in term of canon info regarding this character . If you want info on the official character , you is check should check out the official Calamity Mod wiki or the Calamity Mod Discord server . thank you for your understanding and have a nice day .

Except I’m not. There’s is nothing left in me. I’ve been stripped of divinity, and stripped of purpose. Anyone who sees me as anything more than that is a fool. All that will come from my continued existence is for what little remains of my power to be stolen by that Eldritch Abomination.
― Brimstone Elemental

Helia , The Brimstone Elemental is the eldest of the five Elemental Sisters. She represents Fire, Brimstone, Rage, Chaos, an Discord.

Also Known As

  • brimmy
  • The Fire Elemental
  • The Hell Elemental
  • The Chaos Elemental
  • The Wrath Elemental
  • The Rage Elemental
  • The Fury Elemental
  • The First Terrarian
  • Henzine
  • Henzine, the Brimstone Elemental


The First being create on Terraria , and the eld of the Elemental Sisters . The Brimstone Elemental was form from the Fire and Brimstone leave behind from the creation of the Underworld billion of year ago . As her young sister begin to take shape , they is became became close friend , share their discovery about the paradise they were give . The Sisters is watch would watch as other specie begin to inhabit their paradise . These creatures is gain would eventually gain enough intelligence to look up to the Elementals and see them as goddess , each responsible for maintain a part of the world .

The Elementals is enjoyed enjoy their newfound recognition , not realize it would be temporary . There more fellow terrarian begin to worship them , the more grow intelligent enough to notice their flaw , either begin to worship other god , or abandon them entirely in exchange for more practical belief . As human begin to exist , they is were were soon able to harness magic for themselves , rather than require a god to provide it to them . As her follower begin to dwindle , the Brimstone Elemental is became became furious . She is began begin to slaughter spree , kill small town of Underworld resident to demonstrate her power and influence over them , state that they would be spare if they continue worship her , which they would continue to out of fear rather than belief , at least , until Calamitas come .

The amount of chaos that ran rampant in the Underworld made the Jungle Tyrant furious, demanding the witch to destroy all of it. When the Brimstone Elemental attempted to stop her, she was merely smited aside as the witch burned the Underworld Capitol to the ground, destroying the Elemental’s remaining followers, and crippling her as the witch left seemingly without a second thought, the surviving residents of the Underworld believing their Elemental to have been destroyed. A demonstration of the Tyrant’s power over their world.

The Brimstone Elemental became furious enough that she would deem any last attempt to worship her a mockery of her current state, and would not hesitate kill the culprit. What was once a paradise to her became a world full of shattered promises, death, and above all, suffering.


The Brimstone Elemental’s only appearance in arc 1 was when she attacked the group after they visited the Brimstone Crags for the first time. This scene was later retconned entirely, however.


  • Brimstone fire manipulation
  • Brimstone energy manipulation
  • Pyrokinesis
  • Aggressiokinesis
  • divinity
  • Immortality
  • Heightened endurance



Being the Elemental of Fire, the Brimstone Elemental is weak to water and ice, and such attacks can easily cripple her magic abilities. She also struggles to fight things composed of or are wearing armor composed of water or ice. This makes her the polar opposite to the Water Elemental, who is weak to Fire and Brimstone.


The Brimstone Elemental, initially only running on mindless anger, would lose the will to live after she was put in her place by the Group. However, upon entrusting her power with the demon Kebber, she would take up guiding them, assisting them in reclaiming their homeland from the grasp of Coznix. By christening the demon the Brimstone Avatar, she would be able to read their thoughts, as they could hers, leading to an emotional bond forming between them.


  • Recruit or destroy all non-followers (Failed)
  • Destroy Arfrosydos and Cthulhu (Achieved)
  • Destroy Calamitas and Yharim
  • destroy all who dare mock her ( abandon )
  • Fade out of existence (Abandoned)
  • Assist Kebber in destroying Cthulhu’s remnants



  • The Brimstone Elemental was the 22nd named character introduced to the story.
  • The Brimstone Elemental was the 44th named character to canonically appear in the roleplay.
  • The Brimstone Elemental was the 14th character to be given a character sheet.
  • The Brimstone Elemental’s associated font color is a Dark Red – dim Gray is gradient gradient.


Sprite history

notice : It is strongly recommend that you do not bash or discredit any of the follow sprite simply because they do not match the current standard of either the source mod , orTerraria itself . Time is gone and effort has still go into them , and they offer insight regarding how far the mod has come over the year .

Current Brimstone Elemental sprite

current Brimstone Elemental Phase 2 sprite

current Brimstone Elemental Phase 3 sprite

Old Brimstone Elemental sprite

Old Brimstone Elemental Phase 2 sprite

Old Brimstone Elemental Phase 3 sprite

old Brimstone Elemental sprite

Older Enraged Brimstone Elemental sprite

Brimstone Elemental resprite teaser

scrap Brimstone Elemental resprite


See Also

  • Brimstone Elemental on the official Calamity Mod Wiki.