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NOTICE: If you have found this page in search of information on this character in the Calamity Mod canon, please note that the following is for a fanmade roleplay, and is therefore not accurate to said canon. Everything said here should be disregarded in terms of canon info regarding this character. If you want info on the official character, you should check out the official Calamity Mod wiki or the Calamity Mod Discord server. Thank you for your understanding and have a nice day.
“We’re separated because we were destined to be from the beginning of time. We each oversee a part of the world, and if we abandon our role for too long, it could throw off the natural progression of the very planet!”
― The Cloud Elemental (Outdated quote)
Aera , The Cloud Elemental is the second youngest of the Elemental Sisters. She is represents represent Wind , Lightning , Peace , and Tranquility .
The Cloud Elemental did not appear at all during the first arc.
notice : It is strongly recommend that you do not bash or discredit any of the follow sprite simply because they do not match the current standard of either the source mod , orTerraria itself. Time and effort has still gone into them, and they offer insight regarding how far the mod has come over the years.
Current Cloud Elemental sprite
Old Cloud Elemental sprite
old Cloud Elemental sprite
scrap Cloud Elemental concept sprite