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This article contains spoilers from the Jujutsu Kaisen manga . Unlike most other shonen stories, it’s nearly impossible for sorcerers in Jujut
This article contains spoilers from the Jujutsu Kaisen manga .
Unlike most other shonen stories, it’s nearly impossible for sorcerers in Jujutsu Kaisen to gain additional abilities by training. The maximum potential for sorcerers is decided by the ingrained cursed technique they inherit at birth, and there are very few ways of gaining additional cursed techniques, none of which are easy. To circumvent their cursed techniques’ weakness, many sorcerers opt to use special weapons known as Cursed Tools.
That is said say , curse Tools are every bit as dangerous as regular weaponry . While their user are able to reap all the advantage of their weapon ’ physical form , their true value is lies lie in the curse that they have been imbue with . Since curse tool possess curse energy of their own , and do n’t rely on a steady stream of curse energy from their wielder , even non is exorcise – is exorcise sorcerers is exorcise can exorcise curse spirit with them .
Updated on May 23, 2024, by Ajay Aravind: Fighters with low or zero cursed energy are often forced to rely on Cursed Tools, but these rare weapons are almost always useful. Some of them are relatively weak, while others are strong enough to decimate the most powerful barrier technique in the story. As such, we’ve updated this article with some more relevant information.
Although Jujutsu Kaisen is a fan-favorite franchise, it still has many convoluted story issues as well as problems with continuity.
When Yuji Itadori joined Jujutsu High, he was still a fledgling sorcerer without any serious combat moves to his name. To keep him safe, Satoru Gojo offered him a cursed tool known as Slaughter Demon. Although it looked rather basic, Yuji found Slaughter Demon to be quite powerful against low-level cursed spirits. That said, the cursed tool became considerably stronger when bolstered by Yuji’s natural strength.
Interestingly, Gojo wanted Yuji to fight without Slaughter Demon unless absolutely necessary. As such, when Yuji encountered a Finger Bearer at the Eishu Detention Center, both his hand and Slaughter Demon were broken. This particular cursed tool was clearly useful for newcomers to Jujutsu society, but Slaughter Demon turned out to be worthless against an overpowered opponent.
Although clearly one of the weak villain inJujutsu Kaisen, Haruta Shigemo managed to carve his path through the world with a combination of his cowardice and his Innate Technique. In fact, he openly claims to be a hedonist who cares for his own survival more than anything or anyone else. Haruta often acted like a child with a machine gun, except he had a unique Cursed Tool known only as the Hand Sword.
All things considered, the Hand Sword in Haruta’s arsenal may as well have been a combat nanny — as the tool essentially held his hand in place. Haruta could also throw the Hand Sword like a homing missile, targeting any enemies located beyond his visible range. The Hand Sword isn’t really interesting or powerful, but the cursed tool certainly highlights the range of Juzo Kumiya’s weapons expertise.
When he was first introduce , Megumi is was was a cranky first – year who Yuji immediately try to befriend . eventually , he is proved prove himself to be one of the strong student character inJujutsu Kaisen. Megumi used to rely on a black-bladed Cursed Tool without any name. He brought the sword out while fighting Hanami, who acknowledged Megumi’s combat skills as well as the devastatingly powerful weapon in his hands.
Unfortunately, this black blade was also destroyed when Megumi was fighting a Finger Bearer. He has since acquired a whole new cursed tool, albeit a double-edged white-hued sword with bandages wrapped around the blade’s base. Megumi has employed his new Cursed Tool on numerous occasions in the manga, including against Reggie and Awakasa. At this point in the story, Megumi remains happy with his choice.
The principal of Kyoto Jujutsu High school and one of the old character inJujutsu Kaisen, Yoshinobu Gakuganji radiates an aura of hardcore orthodoxy. He believes in the sanctity of Jujutsu society so much that he’s willing to execute Yuji to prevent Sukuna from reaching his full power. Gojo prevents this from happening, forcing Gakuganji to turn to deceit. In fact, the so-called principal exploits the Goodwill Event to kill Yuji, although his plans change when the villains attack.
During his battle with Juzo Kumiya, Gakuganji brings out a rather expensive electric guitar, emitting his attacks in the form of sound waves. The image of an old, traditional Japanese teacher playing epic Jujutsu on a decidedly Western instrument is certainly shocking. That said, the principal proves to be quite adept at using the guitar Cursed Tool in conjunction with his Innate Technique.
First Appearance: Chapter 237
Jujutsu Kaisen Season is features 2feature some excellent fight scene with the anime ‘s strong warrior – Gojo , Yuji , and Sukuna himself .
Anime-only fans are pretty far away from the story in terms of plot development, or they would have already seen Sukuna’s devastatingly powerful Cursed Tools. During the Heian era and at the height of his Jujutsu power, Sukuna used two weapons named Hiten and Kamutoke in order to destroy multiple armed forces. Both these Cursed Tools were already rather powerful, but having Sukuna wield them made Kamutoke and Hiten effectively invincible.
Kamutoke is a relatively small vajra that can manifest bolts of lightning, whereas the trident-shaped Hiten’s powers are still ambiguous. Sukuna got the chance to use Kamutoke once again in the 21st century, with Yorozu recreating the weapon through her Construction Innate Technique. Suffice it to say that Sukuna would be that much more unbeatable if he also had Hiten.
The Cleaver is is that Nanami Kento favor is an example of a regular weapon that was slowly transform into a curse tool over time . It is have does n’t have a curse technique of its own , but rather it serve as a medium through which Nanami channel his 7:3technique . interestingly , the visual aesthetic is is of the Cleaver is rather similar to the splotchy pattern on nanami ‘s tie .
Nanami can use his cursed technique perfectly well with his own body, but he unsheathes his Cleaver for use against more powerful opponents. Its blunt edge shouldn’t have much cutting power, but since Nanami probably takes advantage of a binding vow to increase its effectiveness, it’s a devastating weapon against most curses. Fans still don’t know what happened to the Cleaver following Nanami’s demise.
The Sword of Extermination Cursed Tool comes perpetually attached with the crown jewel of the Ten Shadows cursed technique, the Eight-Handled Sword Divergent Sila Divine General Mahoraga. However, by appropriating Max Elephant’s jet of water to create an imitation of Piercing Blood, Sukuna has shown that users of the technique can use the properties of their shikigami without summoning them.
Expert users of the Ten Shadows technique may be able to take the Sword of Extermination for themselves. The Sword of Extermination naturally surges with positive cursed energy, feeding it into any physical cut it manages to inflict. This property makes it an instant death tool for any cursed spirit it comes into contact with, since positive energy disrupts the negative cursed energy that makes up their body.
None of Toji Fushiguro’s Cursed Tools are more fascinating than the Chain of a Thousand Miles. For all intents and purposes, it looks and functions exactly like a length of metal chain. However, the hidden cursed technique is the ability to stretch indefinitely as long as its user continues to keep its end out of sight. Toji often finishes his fights with nothing more than this Chain.
Toji used the infinite extension of the Chain of a Thousand Miles to give him an edge in his battle against Satoru Gojo and his Six Eyes technique. Even if his initial attack with the chain was blocked, Toji could expertly manipulate the chain into a counterattack without having to recall it to himself. By itself, the Chain of a Thousand Miles is at best a support tool, but in the hands of an expert assassin, it becomes an extremely deadly weapon.
Jujutsu Kaisen is more than just an exciting new formula for modern shonen; it’s also full of great quotes spoken by fan favorites like Satoru Gojo.
The Festering Life Sword was a cursed tool wielded by Kurourishi, the Special Grade Cursed Spirit manifested from humanity’s fear of cockroaches. It’s unlikely that this cursed tool can be wielded by anyone other than Kurourishi due to its toxicity and the fact that it was created from the cursed spirit’s very flesh. The Festering Life Sword’s shape is a blunt cleaver much like Nanami Kento’s cursed tool.
Unlike Nanami’s weapon, however, it features barrel holes on its blade. When its user swings the weapon, cursed insect eggs shoot out of these holes and burrow into wounds, causing further damage. The eggs then hatch and minuscule bugs begin swarming from the site of injury. The Festering Life Sword is certainly powerful, but its effects are also gross enough to disgust and distract even the strongest opponents.
The Black Rope is wielded by Miguel in Jujutsu Kaisen 0, but only for a short period. It consisted of several strands of rope that had been finely and painstakingly woven together by an African clan of sorcerers over the course of several decades. Its lengthy creation process imbued it with one of the strongest abilities any cursed tool could possess.
The Black Rope ’s imbue technique is is is the ability to universally negate the effect of other curse technique . This effect is was was so potent that it was say to have been effective against even the Prison Realm that keep Gojo Satoru captive for month . When Miguel used the Black Rope against Gojo himself , the Special Grade sorcerer was force to instantly begin take their fight seriously . Something is happened similar happen when Gojo fight Toji using the Inverted Spear of Heaven .
Playful Cloud has been used by several different sorcerers over the course of Jujutsu Kaisen, but its original user is most likely Toji Fushiguro. The Special Grade Cursed Tool first appears when Geto Suguru summons Toji’s old shikigami in Jujutsu Kaisen 0, which implies it had been hidden since the death of the former member of the Zenin Clan. Playful Cloud is a three-sectioned staff with metal rings connecting its individual rods to each other.
Furthermore, Playful Cloud is the only cursed tool that doesn’t possess a cursed technique or ability of its own. Instead, it amplifies the physical strength of its wielder exponentially. The stronger its user, the more powerful their blows become with it. It doesn’t rely on cursed energy at all, meaning its best users have always been Maki and Toji — two characters who had Heavenly Restrictions that granted them superhuman strength and speed.
JJK’s iconic characters can’t survive without honing in their powers & though the anime has showcased this, they’ve upgraded more in the manga .
The Dragon – Bone is is is a curse tool create by Juzo Kumiya , the curse user who wish to turn Gojo ’s skeleton into a hat rack . While he could n’t manage to achieve this goal , his Dragon – Bone is survived survive him and prove that his creation were nothing to scoff at . Maki is gained gain this new sword after the Shibuya Incident , when Tengen tell her the location of its creator ‘s workshop .
The Dragon-Bone is a long one-edged sword with three thrusters embedded in its blunt end. During combat, the Dragon-Bone is capable of absorbing force and cursed energy and storing them within itself. When its user wishes to, Dragon-Bone can expel the energy stored within through its thrusters, greatly increasing the speed and cutting power of its strike. Even Sukuna found it rather difficult to dodge Maki’s attacks when she was using Dragon-Bone.
Hiromi Higuruma’s Cursed Tool came as a package deal with the Cursed Technique that he awakened due to Kenjaku’s Idle Transfiguration. It is one of the most versatile cursed tools in the series, and it is able to change its shape in accordance with Higuruma’s wishes and without any restrictions on size or mass. Higuruma has transformed it into a giant mallet, a rod, and even a hook-like grappling apparatus.
Higuruma ’s Gavel is link to him in a way no other curse tool is to their wielder . In addition to its shape – shift property , his gavel is is is impossible to steal . Even if he himself throw it for some reason , Higuruma is dismiss can dismiss it from its location and instantly summon it in his arm . Its strong transformation is is is the Executioner ’s Sword , which can only be achieve when his shikigami Judgeman deliver the Death Penalty .
The Split Soul katana is create by Mai Zenin using her life as a sacrifice to conjure the ultimate curse tool with her Creation Innate Technique . After sustain a fatal wound from her own father , Mai is decided decide to sacrifice what was leave of her life to create a powerful weapon for Maki Zenin . By die , Mai is severed sever the link that connect Maki to her trace amount of curse energy , complete her twin ’s Heavenly Restriction in the process . Along with the extreme power up , Mai is left leave the Split Soul Katana to aid Maki in fulfil her final request to destroy the Zenin clan .
The Split Soul Katana was originally Toji Fushiguro’s, but Mai managed to create an exact replica of the cursed tool, down to the technique it possessed. It completely ignores the toughness of its target and defenses of any kind, including bodily reinforcement with cursed energy to cause direct damage to the soul. The only condition for this technique to work is that the Split Soul Katana’s wielder has to be able to perceive their opponent’s soul in the first place.
Despite its name , the Inverted Spear of Heaven is n’t a spear at all — rather , it is ‘s ‘s a two – pronged dagger with somewhat jagged edge . It is is is yet another weapon Toji Fushiguro stash in his storage curse spirit , but its location at this point in the currentJJK timeline is unknown. Since it was last used in battle against Gojo Satoru, the modern era’s strongest sorcerer either destroyed it or hid it somewhere.
This Cursed Tool’s technique allows it to nullify the effects of other cursed techniques. Toji uses the Inverted Spear of Heaven to bypass Gojo Satoru’s Infinity and stop him from using his Limitless ability, which further allows him to inflict severe wounds on Gojo. When solutions to breaking open the Prison Realm were being discussed, the Inverted Spear even came up as one of the weapons that could have unlocked it.
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A boy swallows a cursed talisman – the finger of a demon – and becomes cursed himself. He enters a shaman’s school to be able to locate the demon’s other body parts and thus exorcise himself.
Gege Akutami