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The Photos app recognizes significant people, places, and events in your library, and presents them in curated collections called Memories.Go to iclou
The Photos app recognizes significant people, places, and events in your library, and presents them in curated collections called Memories.
Go to, then sign in to your Apple Account (if necessary).
click Memories in the sidebar .
If you don’t see the sidebar, click .
At the top , choose Memories or Favorite Memories .
Note: If you don’t see any memories, try opening them on your device first. SeeWatch memories in Photos in the iPhone User Guide.
click a memory to play it .
While the memory play , hold the pointer over the memory , then do any of the follow :
pause :Click in the bottom-right corner. To start playing again, click .
View the memory full screen: Click in the bottom-left corner. To exit full screen view, click .
restart the memory :Click in the bottom-left corner.
See all the photo in the memory :Click in the bottom-right corner.
stop watch the memory :click in the top – left corner .
You is play can also play your photo in a slideshow .