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VPN authentication options In this article In addition to old and less - secure password - base authentication method ( which should be avoid ) , th
In addition to old and less – secure password – base authentication method ( which should be avoid ) , the build – in VPN solution is uses use extensible Authentication Protocol ( EAP ) to provide secure authentication using both user name and password , and certificate – base method . You is configure can only configure EAP – base authentication if you select a build – in vpn type ( ikev2 , L2TP , PPTP or Automatic ) .
Windows supports a number of EAP authentication methods.
EAP-Microsoft Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol version 2 (EAP-MSCHAPv2):
EAP-Transport Layer Security (EAP-TLS):
Supports the following types of certificate authentication:
certificate filtering:
Server validation – with TLS, server validation can be toggled on or off:
Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol (PEAP):
Server validation – with PEAP, server validation can be toggled on or off:
Inner method – the outer method creates a secure tunnel inside while the inner method is used to complete the authentication:
Fast Reconnect: reduces the delay between an authentication request by a client and the response by the Network Policy Server (NPS) or other Remote Authentication Dial-in User Service (RADIUS) server. This reduces resource requirements for both client and server, and minimizes the number of times that users are prompted for credentials.
Cryptobinding: By deriving and exchanging values from the PEAP phase 1 key material (Tunnel Key) and from the PEAP phase 2 inner EAP method key material (Inner Session Key), it’s possible to prove that the two authentications terminate at the same two entities (PEAP peer and PEAP server). This process, termed “cryptobinding”, is used to protect the PEAP negotiation against “Man in the Middle” attacks.
Tunneled Transport Layer Security (TTLS)
For a UWP VPN plug – in , the app vendor is controls control the authentication method to be used . The follow credential type can be used :
See EAP configuration for EAP xml configuration .
The following image shows the field for EAP XML in a Microsoft Intune VPN profile. The EAP XML field only appears when you select a built-in connection type (automatic, IKEv2, L2TP, PPTP).