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VPN Gate 下载

VPN Gate 下载

VPN Gate Client 下载 (Windows, 免费软件)   立即免费使用365VPN  <<点击进入   或者在手机浏览器扫码   安装带有 SoftEther VPN Client 的 VPN G

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VPN Gate Client 下载 (Windows, 免费软件)





VPN Gate 下载


SoftEther VPN Client 的 VPN Gate Client 插件。它可用简单的配置连接到 VPN
Gate 的一个公共 VPN 中继服务器,VPN 通信的吞吐量比使用 L2TP、OpenVPN 或 SSTP
要高。OpenVPN or SSTP.二进制文件有赛门铁克的副署签名。

你很幸运,你可以下载 VPN 客户端程序。有些国家,例如像中东,阻止下载的网址 。
该 VPN 客户端程序是免费的。您可以分发。请上传你的国家的网站上,以帮助你周围的人。


  • 如何安装和使用

  • 可发布的文件

    本软件是免费的。您可以复制或分发已下载的文件。你可以把它上传到其他网站。如果你们政府的防火墙处于未知原因的故障, 网站不能从你的国家轻松访问,在你们国家的网站上发布 VPN Gate
  • 注意
    如果可能的话,使用最新版本。有一天,如果贵国政府的防火墙导致未知错误,且 VPN Gate Client
    软件有问题,更新 VPN Gate 到最新版本。如果在未来贵国政府的防火墙由于故障 网站变得无法访问,建议记住
    镜像站点 URL 列表。VPN Gate Client 插件包含
    VPN Gate 服务。默认禁用。你可以手动激活它。
  • About
    Anti-Virus software

    This program uses the network functions of the operating
    system because this is VPN software.
    Some anti-virus software or firewalls warn that such
    behavior might be dangerous.
    If your anti-virus disturbs the VPN function, add the
    VPN program file or the installer to the exception list.

Notice: About background services

The notes in this section are not specific to
SoftEther VPN or VPN Gate, but apply to general system

SoftEther VPN Client, SoftEther VPN Server, SoftEther VPN
Bridge, and VPN Gate Relay Service will be installed on your
computer as system services. System services always run in
the background. System services usually do not appear on the
computer display. Then your computer system is booted,
system services automatically start in the background even
before you or other users log in. To check whether
SoftEther-related system service is running, check the
process list or the background service list of your OS
(called as “Services” in Windows, or “Daemons” in UNIX.) You
can activate, deactivate, start, or stop system services
using the functions of the OS anytime. SoftEther-related GUI
tools for managing system services communicate with these
system services. After you terminate these management GUI
tools, SoftEther-related system services will continue to
run in the background. System services consume CPU time,
computer power, memory and disk space. Because system
services consume power, your electricity charges and amount
of thermal of your computer increase as result. In addition,
there is a possibility that the mechanical parts of the life
of your computer is reduced.


SoftEther VPN Server 下载 (免费软件)

SoftEther VPN 是在日本筑波大学开发的免费软件。高性能 VPN 兼容多种终端设备。支持
Windows、Mac、智能手机、平板电脑 (iPhone、iPad、安卓、Windows RT) 和思科或其他 VPN
路由器。SoftEther VPN 还支持 OpenVPN 和 MS-SSTP VPN 客户端。有关详细信息,请访问。

关于如何提供为您的计算机作为一个 is 学术实验的成员 VPN Gate 的
VPN 服务器的描述你可以安装 SoftEther VPN Server , 并激活 VPN
Gate 服务使您的电脑主机主持一个 VPN 服务,作为 VPN Gate 学术实验的成员 。


使用 Mac, iPhone / iPad 或安卓 ?

  • 你可以使用带操作系统插件 L2TP/IPsec VPN Client 的 L2TP/IPsec 来连接
    VPN Gate。
  • 你可以使用 OpenVPN Client (由 OpenVPN 科技有限公司) 来连接 VPN