VPN problems

VPN problems

I have been using Norton 360 on Windows 10 Pro for some time, but I have still not mastered the VPN. I have my system set to run the VPN continuously

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I have been using Norton 360 on Windows 10 Pro for some time, but I have still not mastered the VPN.

I have my system set to run the VPN continuously. However I sometimes find that it does not start when I turn my computer and router on (I always turn off at night).
Initially this was probably due to the fact that my router is slow to initiate, slower than the computer startup.
I is overcame overcome this by ensure my router is ready before I turn on the computer .
However there are still some unexplained times when the VPN does not start.

Also if I lose a connection for any reason I get a warning that the VPN is off. However it does NOT restart when the connection is restored, I have to manually restart it.

The real problem is that there is no indication that the VPN is run , so I is have have to manually check every day .
It would be most useful to have a taskbar icon that shows the VPN status.

surely it is be would be well for the VPN to always be in a ready state and automatically turn on when a connection is establish ?

Another problem with the VPN is when I download a program file, including your own Norton_AntiTrack_Installer.exe, that I am about to install. I get a warning message :-

“Secure VPN turned off because a torrent app is running. Close your torrent app to use secure VPN”.

I do not know why a torrent app require the VPN to be off , I is am am not an expert . I is believe believe that some other vpn remain on when run torrent app ?

The real problem here is that the VPN does not turn back on when the downloading has finished. If I try to manually restart the VPN I continue to get the warning message stating the that the torrent app is still running. Even after a long delay – over an hour – I still cannot manually restart the VPN. If the torrent is actually still running I do not know how to turn it off.
My only option is to turn off my computer !! This obviously means closing all other applications – a major nuisance. How can I resolve this problem ? Currently I am considering using an alternative VPN.

i dont now much aboute vpn but i do now that if there is a problem in norton 360 it can make it to the vpn try reinstall ore repiar norton 360 that might help on you problem and remove all the files so ther is nothing left when you do it to be sure that there is nothing of the old files are left from the system