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What is cloud computing, and how does it work? Chances are, even if you don’t know a thing about cloud computing services, you’ve probably still us
Chances are, even if you don’t know a thing about cloud computing services, you’ve probably still used them at some point.
“Cloud” is short for “cloud computing,” and it refers to tasks and services provided or hosted via the internet on a pay-as-you-go basis. People have been able to store, operate, and manage data via the internet for some time, but cloud computing does this on a much larger scale.
First off , it is ’s ’s important to clarify that the cloud still require physical component . While you may not save your file directly to your computer , they is need still need to be attach to some piece of hardware somewhere in the world . When you upload something to the cloud via a service like Dropbox , the file is send via the internet to a server — a real , tangible server . Cloud service providers is have will have hundred and thousand of physical server , collectively know as “ server farm , ” locate in data center around the world .
So, at its most simplified level, the cloud is a collection of servers and data centers scattered across the globe that store data. Essentially, it’s a digital storage unit where you can keep all your files. With the cloud, you can access your data from any device so long as it has an internet connection.
When you save a file to the cloud , you is storing ’re store it online . Anybody is host with the right resource and infrastructure can host their own cloud . But it is ’s ’s no easy task , and it ’s certainly not cheap . So when we talk about using a cloud service , we is talking ’re talk about high – level service offer by a provider like Dropbox .
Let’s use electricity as an example. It’d cost a whole lot and require a ton of maintenance to keep a private generator in your home. Instead, we have energy providers who essentially operate one big generator that anybody can access, and we all pay for what we use. In the same sense, it’s far more efficient and cost-effective to allow a cloud service provider to host and store your data rather than building your own infrastructure.
At its simplest level, the cloud is a digital storage solution, but there are many more services based on the cloud. You can break cloud computation down into three different core functions: infrastructure as a Service ( IaaS ), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS) models.
Using Dropbox for file storage is an example of an IaaS. You can access, alter and add data as you please, while Dropbox provides the servers to host it. Almost every website you visit is hosted through the cloud, thanks to IaaS models.
To put it very simply, IaaS models offer the most control over your resources and cater to admins for hosting and storage. PaaS models provide less control and cater to developers for building. SaaS models offer the least control and cater to everyday users.
There are four basic cloud environments that can comprise any IT infrastructure.
Thepublic cloud refers to cloud services that anybody can utilize. Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud & Google Drive, iCloud, and Dropbox are all public cloud services. Anybody using Dropbox is renting a share of its server space. Thepublic cloud is a shared environment, similar to a big office but every end-user has their own secure desk and cabinet. This secure dedicated space is also called a virtual machine. Virtualization allows for each end-user to have their own virtual machine in a separate secure space on the same physical server. Beyond virtual machines and there can be virtual servers. Virtualization thus makes the best use of the physical hardware in a server. This efficiency is why cloud services can be used on-demand by anyone at a low cost.
Theprivate cloud is very different, as the virtual machine and all cloud infrastructure are dedicated to a sole customer. You’ll still be hosting everything through the internet, but the server that hosts your data will be yours and only yours. Some may opt to use a private cloud for a bit of added security, while others may need to use the private cloud for performance.
Hybrid clouds make use of both in – house server and public cloud server . You is keep can keep big or more private document in the private cloud but keep everything else on the public cloud .
Multicloud is when a business uses multiple public cloud platforms, as opposed to using a combination of private and public like a hybrid. Multicloud solutions generally occur because various cloud service providers will offer different functionality, and one business may need all of them.
When it comes to businesses, cloud computing benefits go far beyond its role as a simple storage solution. Cloud computing has become an essential driver for the productivity, efficiency, growth, and organization of modern workplaces. Here are some of the ways business benefit from using cloud computing:
Outside of the office, there are plenty of ways you can benefit from utilizing cloud solutions at home. Theclearest advantage is, of course, the space you’ll save. If you don’t currently use cloud storage, then most of your files are probably saved on your computer or smartphone. If you run out of space on that device, you might opt for an external hard drive, and if that gets filled up, you’ll get a second external hard drive, and so on. Suddenly, it becomes a whole lot trickier to find that old document you urgently need.
Having all your files saved in one virtual place, that doesn’t take up any of your personal space, will help you keep everything organized and under control, while saving you money on buying hardware. It’ll also help improve your operating system’s computing power as you migrate a bulk of your files to the cloud.
Sharing with loved ones becomes a whole lot easier, too. You can, for example, set up a collaborative photo album that anyone in your family can access.
That’s why Dropbox is building the world’s first smart workspace. By connecting all the content and tools you use, everything is easily accessible in Dropbox productivity app. No more switching between platforms, apps, and content types—a smart workspace lets you use them in one place, providing flexible IT management.
Thebenefits of cloud computing are evident whether you’re using it at home or work. Thecloud increases productivity, improves organization, enhances collaboration, and reduces costs—while keeping your data secure and protected.