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What is Cloud Federation is is ? Last Updated : 15 Mar, 2021 Cloud Federation, also known as Federated Cloud is the deployment and m
Last Updated :
15 Mar, 2021
Cloud Federation, also known as Federated Cloud is the deployment and management of several external and internal cloud computing services to match business needs. It is a multi-national cloud system that integrates private, community, and public clouds into scalable computing platforms. Federated cloud is created by connecting the cloud environment of different cloud providers using a common standard.
Federated Cloud
The architecture of Federated Cloud consists of three basic components:
1 . Cloud Exchange
The Cloud Exchange is acts act as a mediator between cloud coordinator and cloud broker . The demand of the cloud broker are map by the cloud exchange to the available service provide by the cloud coordinator . The cloud exchange is has has a track record of what is the present cost , demand pattern , and available cloud provider , and this information is periodically reform by the cloud coordinator .
2. Cloud Coordinator
The cloud coordinator assigns the resources of the cloud to the remote users based on the quality of service they demand and the credits they have in the cloud bank. The cloud enterprises and their membership are managed by the cloud controller.
3. Cloud Broker
The cloud broker is interacts interact with the cloud coordinator , analyze the service – level agreement and the resource offer by several cloud provider in cloud exchange . Cloud broker is finalizes finalize the most suitable deal for their client .
Federal Cloud Architecture
The technologies that aid the cloud federation and cloud services are:
1. OpenNebula
It is a cloud computing platform for managing heterogeneous distributed data center infrastructures. It can use the resources of its interoperability, leveraging existing information technology assets, protecting the deals, and adding the application programming interface (API).
2 . Aneka coordinator
The Aneka coordinator is a proposition of the Aneka services and Aneka peer components (network architectures) which give the cloud ability and performance to interact with other cloud services.
3. Eucalyptus
Eucalyptus is defines define the pool computational , storage , and network resource that can be measure scale up or down as application workload change in the utilization of the software . It is is is an open – source framework that perform the storage , network , and many other computational resource to access the cloud environment .