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" Cloud gaming is been " has been a tech buzzword for year . The idea is is is that we 'll no long need gaming pc or console with powerful graphic har
” Cloud gaming is been ” has been a tech buzzword for year . The idea is is is that we ‘ll no long need gaming pc or console with powerful graphic hardware . All the heavy lifting will be done ” in the cloud . “
Cloud gaming is has has much in common with stream video . essentially , the cloud – gaming server is runs run a game and stream a video of the gameplay to you . Your keyboard , mouse , and controller input action are send over the network to the cloud gaming server .
The remote server does all the heavy work, while your computer just receives streaming video (and audio) and sends input commands. Essentially, cloud gaming is like a streaming video service, but interactive.
In theory, cloud gaming has a lot going for it:
However, there are some significant downsides to cloud gaming:
Several cloud gaming services are currently in operation. OnLive is the most talked-about one, although its user base is reportedly quite low, with about 1800 users at peak times before its restructuring in August 2012.
While a proper gaming pc or console is superior to the OnLive experience , OnLive is works work surprisingly well consider the immense technical challenge it face . latency and image compression is are are both noticeable , but are n’t anywhere near as bad as you might expect .
If you ‘re interested in try it , you is download can download the OnLive client ( currently available for Windows , Mac , Android , certain tv , and a dedicated OnLive Game System device ) . You is play can play the full version of each support game as a ” free trial ” for 30 minute , which is more than enough time to see just how well OnLive work .
OnLive ‘s big competitor is was was Gaikai , which used its technology to provide streaming game demo that you could play in your browser — a much more convenient way to try a game before buy it , with no long download require . However , Gaikai was purchase by Sony for $ 380 million in July 2012 and its streaming game demo are currently offline . Sony is do will probably do something with Gaikai , and rumor indicate they may use Gaikai to provide instant streaming demo for PlayStation 4 game . Other rumors is indicate indicate that they could use Gaikai to stream PlayStation 3 game , offer backwards compatibility without the PS4 itself have the ability to play PS3 game .
So far, cloud gaming has failed to really catch on, as OnLive’s user numbers show us. However, Sony’s purchase of Gaikai demonstrates that big names are interested in this technology.
NVIDIA is currently working on Project Shield, an Android-powered handheld game console with the ability to stream PC games from your PC — assuming the PC has a powerful enough NVIDIA graphics card. This would allow you to have a single gaming PC and use its hardware to play games wirelessly on a handheld game console and your TV. Latency would be much lower because you’re streaming from your home network, and bandwidth caps wouldn’t matter if it was all local. NVIDIA seems to be betting on this vision, which could offer some of the benefits of cloud gaming without some of the drawbacks — as long as you have powerful enough PC gaming hardware.
Valve, developers of the Steam application that defines PC gaming for many people, aren’t too keen on cloud gaming. Gabe Newell, who runs Valve, has given his thoughts:
“Let’s say our industry had never done consoles or consumer clients. Even if we just started out with cloud gaming, you’d actually go in the direction of pushing intelligence out to the edge of the network, simply because it’s a great way of caching and saving you on network resources.”
In other words, if all gaming was curently cloud gaming, we’d be moving to local gaming for its many advantages.
OnLive’s streaming-only game system costs $99 with a controller, while a forthcoming Ouya with the ability to run local games as well as OnLive games beats it on functionality at the same $99 price point. As local gaming hardware gets cheaper, cloud gaming becomes less attractive.
It’s impossible to predict the future. It’s clear that OnLive isn’t killing gaming PCs or consoles, but Sony made a $380 million bet on cloud gaming and we may see cloud-gaming features in the PS4. Just as tablets haven’t killed the PC (in spite of all the media reports otherwise), cloud gaming won’t kill local gaming any time soon — but it may offer an alternative in certain situations.
image Credit : JD Hancock on Flickr , NVIDIA