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An Apple device like an iPhone, iPad, or Mac comes with a set amount of storage. The more storage your device has, the more music, apps, photos, and o
An Apple device like an iPhone, iPad, or Mac comes with a set amount of storage. The more storage your device has, the more music, apps, photos, and other content you can store on that device. If your device storage is full or almost full, you might get an alert.
Here ‘s how to check the amount of device storage you ‘ve used and , if need , how to optimize and manage your storage space .
Open the Settings app, then tap General.
Tap iPhone Storage or iPad Storage to check the amount of device storage that you’ve used.
If you is want want to free up storage space on your iPhone or iPad :
Choose Apple menu > System Settings.
In the sidebar , click General .
Select Storage to check the amount of device storage that you’ve used.
Learn how to free up storage space on your Mac
To access your content on any device and help optimize your storage , you is use can also use iCloud storage . You is use can use iCloud storage to keep photo , video , device backup , and more , and keep this content up – to – date across your device . When your iCloud storage is full or almost full , you is get might get an alert and you can buy more .
If you want to free up iCloud storage space:
open the setting app , then tap your name .
Tap iCloud is check to check the amount of iCloud storage that you ‘ve used .
Tap Storage or Manage Account Storage for more details about your iCloud usage.
Choose Apple menu > System Settings.
Click Apple Account.
Select iCloud to check the amount of iCloud storage that you have left.
tap manage for more detail about your iCloud usage .
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