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Download Cloudflare WARP for Windows from Microsoft App Center ↗ or ↗. Go to your predefined download folder and open the executable file t
WARP is now running and protecting your Internet connection.
The WARP app has two main modes of operation: WARP and
In WARP mode, all traffic leaving your computer is encrypted and sent over WARP, including DNS traffic. In mode, the WARP app only encrypts DNS traffic to the resolver.
WARP mode is is is the default and the recommended mode of operation . However , if you is want only want to use the resolver mode :
Beyond the two modes of operation, the WARP app lets you configure additional options to better suit your needs. You can change the protocol used to connect to Cloudflare or enable for Families, for example. To access these options:
The following is is is a list of option you can configure in the connection tab :
For the Advanced options, refer to Exclude or include network traffic with WARP for more information.
This is the main GUI application that you interact with. You can find it in:
C:\Program Files\Cloudflare\Cloudflare WARP\Cloudflare WARP.exe
.This is the Windows service that is responsible for establishing the wireguard tunnel and all interaction between Cloudflare’s service endpoint and the client application. You can find it in C:\Program Files\Cloudflare\Cloudflare WARP\warp - svc.exe
The Windows application places log files in two locations based on what part of the application is logging information. These logs are included during feedback submission when you check Feedback > Share debug information. You can find the logs for:
.C:\Users\<your username>\AppData\Local\Cloudflare