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10個Google Cloud證書課程,跟著Google馬上學

10個Google Cloud證書課程,跟著Google馬上學

本文介紹10個Google cloud專業證書課程,提供給規劃取得證照或有興趣學習的朋友們參考 。 由Google授課的證書課程,除了專業教學內容外,並含有試題測驗、Lab環境,讓你以學習者的身分實際練習Google Cloud的各項操作,課程以每週為單位規畫學習進度,若進度快可依照自己的步調提前

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本文介紹10個Google cloud專業證書課程,提供給規劃取得證照或有興趣學習的朋友們參考 。

由Google授課的證書課程,除了專業教學內容外,並含有試題測驗、Lab環境,讓你以學習者的身分實際練習Google Cloud的各項操作,課程以每週為單位規畫學習進度,若進度快可依照自己的步調提前完成課程。

本文的Google課程都涵蓋在Coursera PLUS方案中,如計畫學習多堂課,使用Coursera PLUS可節省不少學習費用,更多介紹可參考〈3要點速懂coursera課程費用方案〉文章的訂閱制付費段落。

10個Google Cloud證書課程,跟著Google馬上學

  • 課程名稱:prepare for Google Cloud Certification : Cloud Architect Professional Certificate
  • 學習規劃:包含7個子課程,每週學習3小時,約5個月可完成課程
  • 課程內容 :
    1. Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure
    2. essential Google Cloud Infrastructure : foundation
    3. Essential Google Cloud Infrastructure: Core Services
    4. Elastic Google Cloud Infrastructure: Scaling and Automation
    5. Reliable Google Cloud Infrastructure: Design and Process
    6. Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine: Foundations
    7. Preparing for your Professional Cloud Architect Journey

10個Google Cloud證書課程,跟著Google馬上學

10個Google Cloud證書課程,跟著Google馬上學

10個Google Cloud證書課程,跟著Google馬上學

10個Google Cloud證書課程,跟著Google馬上學

  • 課程名稱:Preparing for Google Cloud Certification: Cloud Data Engineer Professional Certificate
  • 學習規劃:包含6個子課程,每週學習3小時,約5個月可完成課程
  • 課程內容 :
    1. Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals
    2. modernize Data Lakes and Data Warehouses with Google Cloud
    3. Building Batch Data Pipelines on Google Cloud
    4. Building Resilient Streaming Analytics Systems on Google Cloud
    5. Smart Analytics , Machine Learning , and AI on Google Cloud
    6. prepare for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer exam

10個Google Cloud證書課程,跟著Google馬上學

  • 課程名稱:Preparing for Google Cloud Certification: Cloud Security Engineer Professional Certificate
  • 學習規劃:包含8個子課程,每週學習1小時,約11個月可完成課程(可自行調整上課進度,提前完成課程)
  • 課程內容 :
    1. prepare for Your Professional Cloud Security Engineer Journey
    2. Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure
    3. network in Google Cloud : define and implement network
    4. Networking in Google Cloud: Hybrid Connectivity and Network Management
    5. Managing Security in Google Cloud
    6. Security Best Practices in Google Cloud
    7. mitigate Security vulnerability on Google Cloud
    8. Hands-On Labs in Google Cloud for Security Engineers

10個Google Cloud證書課程,跟著Google馬上學

10個Google Cloud證書課程,跟著Google馬上學

10個Google Cloud證書課程,跟著Google馬上學

  • 課程名稱:prepare for Google Cloud Certification : Cloud Engineer Professional Certificate
  • 學習規劃:每週學習2小時,約6個月可完成課程(可自行調整上課進度,提前完成課程)
  • 課程內容 :
    1. Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure
    2. essential Google Cloud Infrastructure : foundation
    3. Essential Google Cloud Infrastructure: Core Services
    4. Elastic Google Cloud Infrastructure: Scaling and Automation
    5. Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine: Foundations
    6. Preparing for Your Associate Cloud Engineer Journey

10個Google Cloud證書課程,跟著Google馬上學

  • 課程名稱:Google Cloud Digital Leader Training Professional Certificate
  • 學習規劃:包含4個子課程,每週學習2小時,約1個月可完成課程
  • 課程內容:非技術性課程,學習Google Cloud產品、服務、企業數位轉型知識。
    1. Digital Transformation with Google Cloud
    2. Innovating with Data and Google Cloud
    3. Infrastructure and Application Modernization with Google Cloud
    4. Understanding Google Cloud Security and Operations

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