VPN或虚拟专用(Virtual Private)网络是高级用户的福音。它可以帮助您虚拟更改您的位置。这意味着即使你在印度(India),你的机器也可以假装在美国( United ) 。( States )不仅如此 ,VPN(VPNs)还可用于形成专用虚拟网络(如其名称所示),并可用于小型办公室或组
VPN或虚拟专用(Virtual Private)网络是高级用户的福音。它可以帮助您虚拟更改您的位置。这意味着即使你在印度(India),你的机器也可以假装在美国( United ) 。( States )不仅如此 ,VPN(VPNs)还可用于形成专用虚拟网络(如其名称所示),并可用于小型办公室或组织中的 Intranet 用途。这甚至可以远程完成。好吧( ),在访问VPNBook.com之前,我们需要确保您知道如何在 Windows 10 计算机上设置 VPN(how to setup a VPN on a Windows 10 computer)。
我们所知道的VPNBook.com是一个免费的VPN 服务(Service)提供商。这意味着它提供到备用 IP 地址的加密连接。该服务完全免费,并提供PPTP和OpenVPN服务。根据网站上列出的信息,它完全依靠捐赠。没有提及任何其他资金来源。
这些是 OpenVPN 的一些优点:
从这些特性来看 ,OpenVPN似乎在某些类型的网络上明显优于PPTP协议的低安全(Low Security)性和低性能。(Low Performance)
该协议看起来像是默认为Windows平台制作的。它易于使用且无需IPSec加密。但与此同时,它非常便宜 。
这个免费的网络代理(free web proxy)只不过是一个在线页面,您可以在其中输入要访问的被阻止URL ,然后选择来自(URL)美国(USA)、英国或加拿大(Canada)的任何代理连接来打开该网站。但是,这仅限于网站(websites),只能用于冲浪(surfing)目的。
我的结论(My Conclusion)
使用VPNBook已经有一段时间了,我可以说它运行良好。最近,我用它从美国买东西( United ) ,( States )经常在网上隐藏我的身份,同时使用一些可以追踪我的网站。在我看来,这项服务的一些优点和缺点是:
优点( Pros )
比较优点( Pros )和缺点(Cons),我们可以说优点( Pros )占优。我对服务的任何问题没有任何抱怨,它只是帮助我在我愿意的时候完成工作。
我强烈推荐这项服务 。(I highly recommend this service.)
VPN or Virtual Private network is a boon for power users. Іt helps уоu change your locatiоn virtuаlly. What this means is even if you are іn India, your machine can prеtend to be in the United Stаtes. Not only thiѕ, VPNs can be uѕed to form a priνate virtual network (as its name says) and can be used for intranet purposes in a smаll office or an organіzation. This can even bе done remotely. Well, before jumping on to VPNBook.com, we need to make sure that you know how to setup a VPN on a Windows 10 computer.
VPNBook is a totally free VPN with no bandwidth limits. But it is difficult to set up and configure.
All that we know about VPNBook.com is that it is a free VPN Service provider. This means that it provides an encrypted connection to an alternate IP address. This service is totally free and provides PPTP and OpenVPN services. As per the information listed on the website, it works totally on donations. There is no mention of any other funding sources whatsoever.
The three main features of this service are :
This means that the main mission of the website is to provide free access to websites blocked in certain regions. Also, people who want to access region-specific websites for shopping or anything else.
As mentioned above, VPNBook.com provides free PPTP and OpenVPN services. However, the website recommends the users to use OpenVPN.
It is is complex type connection connect VPN .
These is are advantages OpenVPN :
Looking at these features, it looks like OpenVPN has seriously got an edge over the PPTP protocol’s Low Security and Low Performance on some kinds of networks.
This is widely preferred nowadays as Windows is not the only platform that people tend to use. But that does not mean that OpenVPN cannot be used with Windows platform.
protocol is looks looks like Windows platform default . It is is easy use IPSec encryption . time , it is is cheap .
This free web proxy is nothing but an online page where you enter the blocked URL you want to access and select any proxy connection from USA, UK or Canada to open that website. However, this is restricted to websites only and can be used for surfing purposes only.
You can access this service from vpnbook.com/webproxy.
My Conclusion
VPNBook time , I is say works . Recently , I is used buy United States frequently , use hide identity online websites track . Some is are pros cons service according :
Comparing the Pros and Cons, we can say that the Pros dominate the cons. I have no complaints regarding any issue with the service, and it just helps me get the work done whenever I wish to do so.
I highly recommend this service.