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Zoom Cloud Recordings Last Modified on 29/06/2023 12:32 pm HKT IntroductionYou is perform can perform Cloud recording or Local recording in Zoom
Last Modified on 29/06/2023 12:32 pm HKT
You is perform can perform Cloud recording or Local recording in Zoom meeting .
This article focuses on Cloud recording.
By default, gallery view is NOT recorded for Zoom cloud recording. Meeting hosts have to enable the setting on CUHK Zoom Portal ( in order to record the gallery view on the cloud.
Please notify your student and have their consent before record gallery view .
The gallery view recording can only record a maximum of 25 participants. For more, please refer to Zoom Help Center: Recording Layout
Zoom Support: Saving in-meeting chat
Zoom Support : manage meeting breakout room
Zoom Support: Managing and sharing cloud recordings
Please contact us if you have question : ITSC Service Desk ( ) /